Linux — How to Install Manjaro Architect

Derrick Gee
5 min readDec 28, 2020

I’ll be documenting how I installed Manjaro in this article for future reference. We will also be starting from booting into the bootable USB, check another guide on how to make that if you haven’t done that yet. From the image above, running down the list:

— Select your timezone
— Keyboard, Language (I default to US)
— Driver: free if intel integrated, not free if nvidia

Enter the Boot: Manjaro

Follow the prompt here, manjaro manjaro to login. Then type setup .

Follow the wifi menu to connect to your wifi, unless you are on ethernet (which is automatic usually). If you cannot connect to the internet, check this thread to solve the issue. After connecting to the internet successfully, it will update packages automatically. Lastly, select your language (mine is us ).

You will be greeted with the installers after selecting your language. We just go from top to bottom, choosing the necessary installers. First we will prepare the installation.

Partition Disk

This article will assume that you have already an empty partition space on your disk. We will go with fdisk , select /dev/sda and choose fdisk .

Taken from Arch install

fdisk Main Commands To Use

n Create a new partition
t Change partition’s filesystem type
p Check current partitions
w Save all partition changes

1. UEFI: n for a new partition, press enter for the default partition number, and press enter for the First sector. +512M for our EFI partition, as recommended by arch wiki. The filesystem type will default to Linux Filesystem, so we need to change that by typing t and selecting the number of that partition. We can type L to find the number indexed to the one we want. 1 is the EFI System for me. So we can exit by hitting q and then typing 1 to change our filesystem to EFI.

2. Swap: n again for our next partition. I will be going with a partition for swap, since I have the space to do so. So same as before, except the size this time will be the same as my RAM. +8G for my size, and we need to change the filesystem again t . Listing the types, swap is indexed at 19 for me.

3. Root: Lastly, n again for our Linux Filesystem. I will do +65G for mine. If the partition is not Linux Filesystem by default, you can change it with t .

Now we can run p and get a list of all our partitions to do a last check, and then do w to save our partitions.

Mount Partitions

ROOT goes into the Linux File System, SWAP goes into the Swap, skip additional mounts, and then it will ask for the UEFI boot. So we can mount that to our EFI system partition. I will go with /boot/efi , since I have multiple distros on my PC.

Configure Installer Mirrorlist

Rank by speed: Stable. Pick top 2–3. This will normally take awhile to finish to complete.

Refresh Pacman Keys

Choose Pacman Cache

Select yes

Enable fsck hook

This is for checking system file consistency, either it runs at boot or manually by the user.

That completes the preparation, we can hit back.

Install Desktop System

Go to Install Manjaro Desktop. Add yay and pick a linux kernel. I’m using 5.4 , since it seems to be the most compatible with my laptop maker and model.

Next pick the DE/WM, I went with bspwm

With bspwm , I go with full installation. My other alternative is i3 , which I do minimal with. If it fails to intsall to root, try to go through the desktop installation again.

If you have an intel cpu as your gpu, choose Auto-Install free drivers.


If you already have multiple OS’s, you don’t need to install another bootloader. But if this is your first Linux install, or if you deleted your previous bootloader, then install a bootloader. I recommend grub .

Configure base

— Generate FSTAB. Pick the default, which is Device UUID.
— Set Hostname to your choice
— Set system locale, stick with the default, which is en_US.UTF-8
— Keyboard layout is us
— Then select your timezone, and leave it at UTC
— Set a root password
— Add a user and choose your default shell. I’m going with bash.

Once we hit back and then done we can choose to save the installation log or not. I don’t really need it, so I will hit no for that.

You’ll be moved to the terminal after everything is done. We can now reboot and you should be greeted by the bootloader with your fresh Manjaro install.

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